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  • 38% emerging markets
  • 35% Europe
  • 20% US
  • 在世界其他地区,这一比例为7%

有关雇员的详情,请参阅最新一期的第33页 Annual Report. Further details on the market definitions used can be found on page 232 of the latest Annual Report.


The total number of shares in issue as at 31 December 2023 was 1,550,162,626.


澳门葡京网赌游戏(AstraZeneca PLC)每月公布其投票权总数. 这些通知可以在 证券交易所公告.

On what stock exchange is AstraZeneca traded and what is the stock symbol?

澳门葡京网赌游戏在伦敦、斯德哥尔摩和纳斯达克交易所上市. 这三个市场的股票代码都是AZN.




Please visit our Debt Investors 有关澳门葡京网赌游戏当前债务评级的详细信息.







AstraZeneca was formed on 6 April 1999 through the merger of Astra AB of Sweden and Zeneca PLC of the United Kingdom.


这些信息可以在 财务业绩组.


For information on dividends, please see the Dividends section of the FAQs.

Dividend policy


Can AstraZeneca pay my dividends directly into my bank or building society account?


During 2021, AstraZeneca announced that from September 2021 the Company would stop making dividend payments by way of cheque. 股息将只以电子方式支付.

取消支票有很多好处. There is a positive environmental benefit through the reduction in dividend stationary. 当电子支付时,股东还受益于更高的支付安全性和更快的资金接收. In addition, the removal of cheque payments reduces administration for both AstraZeneca and shareholders, 同时也降低了成本.


Holders of Ordinary Shares should contact Equiniti on +44 371 384 2030 (International), 0371 384 2030 (UK) or through the online enquiry form on the Equiniti website. 

ADR持有人应联系Equiniti信托公司, LLC on (888) 697 8018 (toll-free if calling within the US) or +1 718 921 8137 (International) or by email at adr@equiniti.com

Holders of shares traded on Stockholm Nasdaq should contact Euroclear on +46 (0) 8 402 9000. 



At present AstraZeneca does not have a dividend re-investment plan for Ordinary shareholders. Registered American Depositary Receipt holders may elect to have dividends reinvested via the DB Global Direct program. Please contact Equiniti Trust Company, LLC for further details on +1 888 697 8018.


Please visit our dividend policy.


AstraZeneca pays the dividend in the currency corresponding to where the shares are listed.


在伦敦上市的普通股持有人可以使用Equiniti的海外支付服务以英镑以外的货币接收股息. Holders of Ordinary Shares should contact Equiniti on +44 371 384 2030 (International), 0371 384 2030 (UK) or through the online enquiry form on the Equiniti website.





If your shares are held by a broker or nominee please contact them directly.


Holders of Ordinary Shares should contact Equiniti on +44 371 384 2030 (International), 0371 384 2030 (UK) or through the online enquiry form on the Equiniti website.

ADR持有人应联系Equiniti信托公司, LLC on (888) 697 8018 (toll-free if calling within the US) or +1 718 921 8137 (International) or by email at adr@equiniti.com

Holders of shares traded on Stockholm Nasdaq should contact Euroclear on +46 (0) 8 402 9000. 


我是一名英国股东. How do I allocate my cost basis of AstraZeneca shares to my Syngenta distribution?

Please follow the link below to a summary of dividends paid in the form of Syngenta shares.

View 英国成本基础信息 (在新窗口中打开).

我是一个美国股东. How do I allocate my cost basis of AstraZeneca shares to my Syngenta distribution?

Please follow the link below to a summary of dividends paid in the form of Syngenta shares.

View 美国成本基础信息 (在新窗口中打开).

我仍然持有阿斯特拉公司的股票. 我该采取什么行动呢?

View a letter to 阿斯特拉公司股东 (在新窗口中打开).

A legal representative, Peter Haglund, has been appointed to act on behalf of minority shareholders. 可以通过Advokatfirman Sodermark与他联系, Box 14055, SE 104 40 Stockholm, Sweden, 电话+46 8 670 57 50,传真+46 8 663 67 20.

What was the closing price of AstraZeneca PLC shares on its first trading day?

On 6 April 1999 (the first trading day of AstraZeneca PLC) the closing price was GBP 29.46.


从ICI分拆后获得的Zeneca Group PLC的股份将被视为具有资本利得税的基本成本,根据《澳门葡京网赌游戏》第272节的规定,根据1993年6月1日的Zeneca和ICI股票的价值计算确定. The base cost of any holding of ICI Shares on that date will be adjusted on the same basis.


Zeneca - 625.75p and ICI - 631.75p


Zeneca - 0.49761 and ICI - 0.50239

When Astra AB and Zeneca Group PLC merged how were the shares split / merged?

Astra AB和Zeneca Group PLC的股份于1999年4月6日合并.
1 Astra share : 0.5045澳门葡京网赌游戏股份




What is an ADS/ADR?

In the US, AstraZeneca’s Ordinary Shares are traded in the form of American Depositary Shares (ADSs), 以美国存托凭证(adr)为证, 在纳斯达克交易的股票代码是AZN. ADS是一种以美元计价的股权形式,代表澳门葡京网赌游戏在英国存款的基础普通股, 并授予基础普通股产生的权利,包括在澳门葡京网赌游戏股东大会上的投票权和出席权,以及获得美元股息的权利.


Historically one ADS has been equal to one Ordinary Share of AstraZeneca, a 1:1 ratio.

On 27 July 2015, a ratio change was effected so that two ADSs became equal to one Ordinary Share, a ratio of 2:1. 在记录日期2015年7月22日纽约时间营业结束时,ADS持有人每持有1个ADS将获得1个额外ADS的分配. 您不需要执行任何操作来实现此更改. These changes brought the AstraZeneca ADS price broadly in line with the market average and, 随着美国存托凭证价格下降, it is thought that  the shares should be more attractive to individual shareholders and liquidity improved.


在纽约时间2015年7月22日收盘时,以您的名义注册的美国存托凭证数量翻了一番. 虽然不可能将比率变化对澳门葡京网赌游戏ads价格的影响从影响价格的所有因素中分离出来, 据信,直接的影响是价格下降到比率变化之前普遍价格的大约一半. 价格的降低, 再加上以你的名义持有的美国存托股份翻倍,你持有的美国存托股份的价值应该立即保持不变, 就像刚才一样, the ratio change.


Following the ADS ratio change in July 2015, each ADS represents half an underlying Ordinary Share. Each ADS held on the dividend record date will  therefore receive half of the dividend rate declared per Ordinary Share. 

Will I be subject to US federal income tax upon receipt of additional ADSs as a result of the ratio change?

No. The ratio change should have no US federal income tax implications for ADS holders, 除非这些持有人应将收到额外ADS的原始ADS中持有人的税收基础的一半分配给每个额外ADS. 如果你持有美国存托凭证作为美国联邦所得税的资本资产, 出于资本利得税的目的,您对额外ADS的持有期应包括您对收到额外ADS的现有ADS的持有期.


Yes, 自2015年3月23日支付的第二次中期股息开始, holders of American Depositary Shares (ADSs) will be charged a total of $0.03 (3 cents) per ADS annually to cover costs related to the ADS programme. A fee of $0.01(1美分)将从第一次中期股息中扣除,该股息通常在第二季度和半年业绩公布时公布,并于每年9月支付, and a fee of $0.02英镑(2美分)将从第二次中期股息中扣除,该股息通常与第四季度和全年业绩一起公布,并于每年3月支付. 


A large majority of dividend-paying FTSE100 companies that have an ADR/ADS programme charge dividend fees. AstraZeneca's dividend fee as a percentage of its dividends declared in respect of 2022 ($1.45 per ADR) was 2.而富时100指数(FTSE100)赞助的ADR平均水平为6%.5%

Share fraud warning


“锅炉房”欺诈可能有不同的形式,但通常涉及使用高压销售技巧和机会的承诺,看起来好得令人难以置信. 澳门葡京网赌游戏的股东可能会受到来自海外“经纪人”的不请自来的电话或信件的攻击,这些经纪人通常是关于投资和承诺高财务回报的. Unfortunately, the high profits promised never materialise and shareholders are often left significantly out of pocket. 这些“经纪人”往往既固执又极具说服力,甚至有经验的投资者也会成为骗局的受害者.  This type of fraud is called ‘boiler room’ fraud because of the high pressure sales techniques used by the ‘brokers’.  Around 5,每年有000人联系金融市场行为监管局(FCA)调查股票欺诈,受害者平均损失20英镑,000.


AstraZeneca shareholders are advised to be extremely cautious of any unsolicited approaches offering advice, free reports and offers to buy shares at a discount or sell at an inflated price.

如果您收到有关投资机会的未经请求的联系,FCA提供以下建议, 详情可浏览其网页:

  • 拒绝任何推销电话
  • 记下与你联系的人的名字,以及他们声称为之工作的机构的全名和地址
  • 检查该公司是否正确授权,通过搜索 FCA Register. FCA强烈建议个人只应与FCA适当授权的金融服务公司打交道. You should verify the call using the contact details provided on the FCA Register
  • 如果您与未经授权的公司打交道,您将没有资格获得金融服务补偿计划下的付款,也无法获得金融申诉专员服务
  • 检查公司是否出现在 FCA Warning List
  • Seek impartial advice from a financial adviser before you make an investment
  • 如果公司没有出现在FCA登记册上,或者“经纪人”告诉您详细信息已过时,请致电0800 111 6768与FCA联系,或使用可找到的FCA报告表格 here

If you believe that you have already paid money to share fraudsters you should contact ActionFraud on +44(0)300 123 2040.


有关锅炉房及股票诈骗的更多资料,请浏览 FCA website and on the ActionFraud website.


有关锅炉房及股票诈骗的更多资料,请浏览 FCA website and on the Action Fraud website.